
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

{im}perfect thinking

Do you know this song?

I love it.

Listen a minute.


What does that mean?

To me it means, every step, every choice, every
waking minute, sleeping minute, I'm trusting in Him.
I'm not worrying. I'm resting in Him. I'm satisfied.
I'm content.

Our praise band played this song on Sunday

and the part about in my THINKING stood out to me.

Am I making Him everything, even in my thoughts.

In the words that come from those thoughts?

Lately no.

Because I default to worry, to that spinning thing

I do where I try to figure things out.

Why do I try to figure things out so much?

I don't know.

But this Lent I'm practicing

letting Him truly be my EVERYTHING

Especially in my every thought.

my every spoken word.

Because when I let doubt and concern

and frustration creep in, I'm dethroning Him.

And I know that's the last thing my heart wants to do.

So on my knees I confess this flaw in me.

And I ask the Lord to change me, change my thinking.

And teach me to rest in His peace, in EVERYTHING.

My scripture memory for the second part of March is

Phillipians 4:8 NLT. I have memorized this before, but a different translation. For this stage of my life, I like the phrasing of this one.

"Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise."

Verse nine goes on to say:
"Keep putting into practice all you learned from me and heard from me and saw me doing, and the God of peace will be with you."

It's simple really, we practice being like Christ and Christ's peace is with us.

The key is it takes practice. Exercising my mind the way I would my body, to get out of the old
grooves, the old patterns of trying to fix and figure out. So today's challenges are a blessing really, a chance to practice making myself new every day, every minute, in order to feel His peace each step of the way.


hill said...

thank you for linking up, finding this song and for desiring to be a Godly woman. xoxo.

Janet said...

I loved reading this. The thoughts...yes, they are an area where I struggle to surrender. When the doubts, frustrations and negativity creep in I need to confess it, focus on him and allow him to change me. Thanks for sharing this.

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