
Sunday, October 9, 2011

my most favorite

pumpkin patch ever is this one.  It's called Faulkner Farms in Santa Paula.

If you're in the area, it's quaint and charming and just so beautiful with the gorgeous mountains and orchards all around.  

I covered a story here in 2001 when I was still reporting and pregnant with Jackson.
With him in my tummy I watched the little toddlers picking their pumpkins
and something touched my heart for this particular patch.

It's a decent trek from our home.
But it doesn't matter.  We have made the drive nearly every year
since the time he was seven months old.  

I love going back each year.
This face was right after she said, "It's finally fall mommy!"
We have been talking about seasons a lot in the last month.
My son would delicately get them and help the other kids hold them.  
Who doesn't love holding a little 1 1/2 week old duckling?
They let our kids 'chuck a pumpkin' for free when the hay ride came around.
They were so excited and did quite well launching the pumpkin in the air.
 He's channeling his inner Huckleberry Finn and here he is in 2002...just seven months old and quite the chunky monkey.
 He fell asleep on the drive there and really wasn't sure what all the hay was about, or why we kept trying to get him to smile.
My dear friend and her son now come along with are some pictures from two years ago.. they look like such babies.
It's a walk down memory lane and a lovely tradition I love to keep! 

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