
Saturday, April 21, 2012

encouragement & celebrations

I committed to putting together a gift basket to donate to my son's baseball league for their auction next week.  And it was due today.  It was the inspiration behind making a couple of new listings in the shop.
oh happy day tags are perfect for birthdays, graduations, mothers day, just about any day.  I wanted to keep them open to any celebration.  And the tag makes me start humming along to Oh Happy you know that song?  I can't find the actual version I have stuck in my head, but here's another one.  It's cheerful, just like the tags.
And if you have a friend who is in need of encouragement.  This stationery set is the perfect way to remind them to trust in the Lord and that his word promises to make our paths straight.
I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend so far.
Next week I'm the coordinator for teacher appreciation week for my son's class.
We're required to decorate their doors for Monday morning in a theme from their favorite movie.
So tomorrow, her door will be transformed.
I'll be busy tonight getting it ready.
Can't wait to show you the ideas...soon!

1 comment:

Kim said...

You are very talented! What a cute basket...

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