OH it is time isn't it?
For the light to last longer
the days to linger later.
For signs of new life.
Green emerging from barren limbs.
Buds slowly unfolding.
Do you sense the colors,
the sounds,
the energy?
It is springing forth.
And these 40 days leading to the greatest
story of resurrection.
Only it isn't just a story. A parable. A fairytale.
No it's the truth of a God who loves you so very much
He gave his only son to take every last one of your sins
to the cross. Nailed forever and forgotten with His death.
And in his rising again He invites you to follow after him,
to spend eternity in paradise. Who wouldn't want a forever
after with the only one who can be a perfect provider, comforter,
faithful and true.
The beauty is you can feel this today.
Right here on earth. Holding his hand.
Inviting him into your life.
Every step of the way.
He has overcome every last bit of darkness.
The battle is already won.
Do you know that?
Do you feel it?
Do you walk in this truth?
Every trial you face.
He has already overcome.
And the light of the truth will be revealed.
And his strength can be within you.
All because of this season we celebrate.
The grace of the cross.
The blessing of His surrender.
And with His rising
we are offered the gift of the Holy Spirit
and an eternal life with our creator.
He's calling each of us.
Have you answered His call?
If you haven't, won't you consider it.
Shut away all the reasons you're telling yourself you can't or won't.
And just answer his patient, quiet knocking on your heart.
And trust me you'll feel a difference.
It will take time.
Studying his word.
Learning to sit with him
as the greatest friend of all.
But you'll feel him right there with you.
You'll see him acting on your behalf.
And you'll realize you don't know how you ever
did this life without Him.
If you already have and are walking with Him
do you share his testimony?
Your testimony of him working in your life?
Do you shout to the rooftops of all He has done.
All he continues to do.
This lent let's speak the truth and share of His great love.
Let's praise His holy name.
In the small moments, and in the big.
Pointing always back to the one who gave it all.
The one who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
The one who formed us, who knows our days and our ways.
The one who loves us with an everlasting love.