I hear people say they're not creative or not crafty or not into that kind of thing. But it's because they've let that negative inner voice tell them so. I really believe we all have a desire to create in some way or another. How can't we? We were made by a creative God who has made us in his likeness. So by nature we've been made to create things.
It's how you look at creativity. It can be anything where you take something empty or blank or that didn't exist before and make it into something new. It doesn't have to be relegated to typical 'art' things. Someone who has a knack for putting a cute outfit together, or organizing a room, or cooking a delicious meal, taking a great photograph, writing, singing, acting, putting together a great party. It all takes creativity.
Yesterday we went to the Skirball Center Noah's ark exhibit and the "Monsters and Miracles" exhibit. The "Monsters and Miracles" exhibit was amazing. It was all about illustrated books connected to Jewish history and Jewish artists/authors. I loved all the displays and interactive things for kids to do. I wish so much we had gone earlier in the spring so we could have visited it more. The exhibit leaves this Sunday. But I'm glad we caught it while it was there. I would have loved to show pictures, but I only had my cell phone on me and it died early on. :(
Each week they rotate a different craft for the kids to do in the Noah's Ark exhibit. This week was a repurposed craft that you didn't take home. You created something using what they had and you left it there to decorate an Ark. The thing that threw us at first and I noticed it threw quite a few people. No scissors and no glue. So you really had to use your mind when designing and connecting and creating.
I sat down with my girls and we all just played for playing sake. And it was fun and therapeutic and relaxing. I get lost when I do things like this and I find my spirit is lighter. I'm happy. There was no point to it and you didn't take it home. We were creative for creative sake. And look at how proud they are of their creations.
Don't you just love that feeling. Even in the simplest thing like creating new order out of a closet or a drawer. That feeling where you want to stare at it a little while longer and share it with someone?
God gets it too... "And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.". Genesis 1:31
how fun and i'm so glad you got a chance to just "play" :)
You totally get what I'm going for with the YOU:create experiment... whatever you do that creates YOU, creates that joy inside, is what I love to see.
How fun that you have such a cool, interactive program intertwined with the exhibit. Glad you had such a good day!
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