After my experience counting 100 Joys during Christmas, I'm inspired to continue with some structure for this little blog.
For years I've read Ann Voskamp's blog and today I jumped feet first, not only to buy her new book, but to join in the Bloom book study and to begin counting my own 1,000 gifts.
To see this video, I can tell the book will be amazing and this journey will most assuredly be life changing.
Won't you join me in doing any or all of these. Perhaps you already are.
To open our eyes to the extraordinary in the ordinary, to see the thousands of gifts He lays before us every day.
Oh and to focus on all that is pure and lovely. We must in order to push out the darts the enemy tries to throw.
This weekend I had quite a few trying to bring me down. It started to work. But thankfully I have a God who is bigger than this, I have a husband willing to listen and to pray with me and I have eyes to see the beauty all around me. I have the hope in Christ that He is working all things for good for those who love him.
So here we I embark on the beginning of my 1,000 gifts.
1. It seems only right that I start with my Heavenly father.. and His word. For the thousands upon thousands of ways he provides and comforts and rescues and fills with joy and hope and love. For His undying love and everlasting peace. Oh I could go on and on. For today I'm specifically thankful for my Community Bible Study on the faithful servants of God. And for this book giving scriptural references to animals being in heaven. From my previous posts, I've mentioned I really needed something like this right now.
2. My husband of fourteen years who works tirelessly and joyfully to provide for us. For the ways he's so positive even through the hard times. For the ways he has turned his life over to the Lord and completely trusts in Him. It's a faith that has inspired me and has helped us grow together.
3. These three kids that have been placed in our care, for such a short while really. Though at times they bicker and fight, they look so sweet in this pretty light. I just had to say that.. it rhymed too well. ;)
Each one I see growing longer and leaner and becoming more of the big person they're meant to be. Oh it's scary how fast I see them changing and pulling away and that is another reason I want to embark on being PRESENT in counting these moments as the gifts they are. (For those of you new here, that's my one word for the year... which is why I'm making a point to bold it when it finds it's way into my day).
4. The silly faces and poses she makes for the camera, even when she's home sick.
5. Seeing the joy of her biting into her first subway sandwich.
6. Her 'pilly' which is her baby crib bumper. It has been her 'lovey' from the time she was a baby, clinging to it and carrying it everywhere she goes.
7. And her teeny crossed over toes, just like her mamma had when she was young.
8. His spunk and energy and everlasting search for outdoor adventure.
9. The amazing way they can pretend play with just about anything.
10. The chance to be with them. To really be with them. To be 100% PRESENT. Feeling well and healthy and not taking a second of it for granted.
11. The surprisingly warm January weather that meant we all could head into the jacuzzi after dinner. Making this mamma really ready for bed. But first I wanted to make sure I posted this. Which brings me to a question. How do people find time to write all these fabulous blog posts with amazing photos. I love them, really love them and find them so inspiring. But man doing my own really takes time. No matter how much I try to bust it out quickly, the loading and sizing and spacing etc. it just takes time. Sometimes I really wonder how you all manage to do it all????
12. And last but not least tonight.. this beautiful full moon, or nearly full moon. The picture doesn't do it justice. Thank you Lord for a beautiful holiday off as a family spending the day outside just being PRESENT.
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