Monday, January 10, 2011


"You keep him in perfect peace 
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you."
Isaiah 26:3

He said that he would give us perfect peace.

I had been praying for that.

I didn't feel it for a little while.

When I grieve I feel a palpable ache in my heart.

The physical hole that is left by something taken from you or something lost.

It hurts.

And I know in the process of grieving I needed to feel it.

But in the process I kept trusting in Jesus and asking Him 

to help me find that peace.

And you know, on Sunday, after praising Him 

and experiencing an awesome service.

I felt the heaviness lift.

It doesn't mean I have stopped missing her.

But I've felt the peace and comfort of Jesus.

I also talk to God and sometimes ask Him 

to give me something to hold onto when things don't make sense.

By something, I don't mean that I need a sign, 

but that I'll wait for the right scripture

to touch my heart, or a song or a sermon.  

Some kind of message that speaks right to the confusion 

and fills it with godly wisdom.

He always answers, in one way or another.

And more than once, that answer has come in the clouds.

While I was silently talking to God yesterday, I looked out the car window.

And then I saw a perfectly formed heart shaped cloud.

it was dark and stood out against a white one, serving as its frame.

It made me think of Christ's perfect love.

His love is more than enough to heal my loss.

I feel it happening already.

I didn't expect it to be this quick.

But Christ knew.

And I praise Him for holding me through everything,

 and showing me again and again His perfect peace 

that comes from trusting Him and His most unconditional love.

1 comment:

hill said...

so so beautiful.
thank you for sharing.

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