Monday, March 14, 2011

Growing Gratitude

Today is Multitude Monday, giving thanks for the many blessings in our lives.

I finally completed covering a journal that I began (ahem) two summers ago.

I started it during a craft time at our church's family camp.

I never finished it, so it was packed up with the sheets of paper and it went into 

the depths of the closet, long forgotten.

Recently discovered, I decided it would be perfect for recording 

my 1,000 gifts.  
OH and my most precious moment from this weekend.
A quote from my four-year-old.

I'm so thankful for her sweetness.

She said, "Mommy when I grow up, I'm going to be you."
I said, "Oh thank you Audrey.  What does it mean to you, to be Mommy?"
She responded, "Warm.  Mommy is warm."

In one word, she summed up the safety and love, the all encompassing feeling that a mommy is.
It made me happy that this is the word she uses to describe me.
86. Unconditional love from a child
87. Her impishness
88. The way they play together.. when they play well and how she beams when he treats her as a friend
89.  completing a long forgotten project
90.  a crescent moon
91.  morning light glistening off the dew
92. freckles on both my girls, tiny perfectly shaped hearts
93. birds singing
94. slow mornings
95. focusing
96. simplicity
97. an hour alone
98. drawing closer to the Lord
99. laying it all before Him
100. the peace that washes over
101. wisteria blooming
102. an arbor where I rest in Him
103. treasuring what's special about my kids
104. seeing their gifts as God-given, for me to help them mold for His glory
105. pretty colored pens
106. walks with praise music
107. new recipe book
108. watching my girls focus and concentrate at dance class
109. my son hugging his sisters & how mature he's getting
110. playing beyblades with him and actually liking it
111. an anxious heart turning thankful
112. the way she always poses for the camera without my asking

113. a funny little spot in the wall that was originally built for wine glasses, now being turned into my tea nook in the new pantry.  Testing it out to see how they fit, I joked I could probably fill it.  But it wasn't a joke, I actually did.  It not only makes me happy, but my husband too, to see them all there and to be able to offer them to guests when they come over.
114.  The way she copies me when I exercise.
115. seeing the joy in the challenges instead of the challenges snuffing out the joy!

click on the link for more gratitude

1 comment:

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

"The way she copies you. . ." Just so precious! And for her to sum YOU up in "WARM" is the best compliment I could think of ever giving someone! The pictures are so beautiful, as was your list today! Thank you so much for posting! I was so blessed just by being here!

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